Zone of the Enders Saga
Location: 4th Planet from the Sun
Earth's closest neighboor and one of 2 locations in our solar system that many believe can be terraformed to become like Earth. Mars is currently halfway through this but the colonies who live on Mars still inhabit domes.
The planet has a few key locations:
Vacilia County - A County run by the military organisation BAHRAM, many of the people have a strong hatred towards Earth. This is the birthplace of the Orbital Frame.
Power Generation Facility - Based just outside Vacilia County, this huge super structure, supplies power for the entire county, it is powed by wind power and is guarded by Raptor units.
Dr Lloyds Base - A heavily fortified base surounded by deadly forcefields, the base is also protected by defence frames and a large arsenal of heat seaking missiles.
Military Fortress Aumaan - Created underground this is inactual fact the control system for the real Aumaan on Phobos, covering over 20 squaremiles its defended by a deep space compression field, which is only breakable with the Vector Cannon.