Metal Gear Saga : The Unofficial Facts Site


Zone of the Enders Saga

Zone of the Enders : The 2nd Runner

Verse Mode

To Unlock Inhert, clear the game once, use any version of Jehuty, play through storyline mode for the second time, fight your way through Lloyd's city Underground Base. The location is at the second level of the Underground base, before you reach Lloyd, wait for the pillar to retract (the 2nd level of the moving pillars), and you will see a small Inhert at the left side corner. Grab it, and he'll be unlocked!

Naked Jehuty
To unlock Naked Jehuty, you have to find the decending way to Aumaan (the last stage). At the end of the way, there are two paths with lasers blocking the inside route, shoot them, and you'll found Naked Jehuty inside, fight and win him, and you'll unlock him!
(Note: if you use Naked Jehuty the location will be empty)

Aumaan Anubis
To unlock Aumaan Anubis, clear the game once, and start the new game with all sub-weapons equipped, and try to get into Margrifier, the place where you have to unlock the gate....On the left route (always go left), there is a dead end along the way to the generator. Use Vector Cannon to blast the blocking stones to clear a secret path. You'll be brought into the Wind Tunnel, fighting tons of enemies. destroy them, and you'll be brought into an unfamiliar location, where you'll have to fight Aumaan Anubis. Destory it and you will find the small icon of Aumaan Anubis, grab it and it'll be unlocked.


Completion Bonuses

Yoji Shinkawa's Illustration
Once you completed all the missions with a highest record, the black background will be replaced with Yoji Shinkawa's illustration which resembles his sketch of Jehuty.

VS Mech
Complete the Game once for: Jehuty, Jehuty Version 2, Damaged Jehuty, Ardjet, Vic Viper, Nephtis, Anubis.

Ex-Missions and VS mech (Jap Only)
Provided that you have "Visual Works of Anubis", Pop the special demo disc into your PS2. In the main title, there is an option of 3 : New Game, Save, and Options. Play through the demo, and after you clear the demo, you'll be brought back to the title screen. SAVE it. Once saved, pop in your Original ZOE2 game again, and all Ex-missions and VS mech will be unlocked.

Extra Missions
Complete the game on any difficulty and then unlock additional missions by finding the mission files scattered throughout the the game and difficulties.


Easter Eggs

Ken - Alternate costume
After you get the WISP subweapon, grab Ardjet and take it down to the lava until Ken says something. Do this several times. Once you beat the current mission, Ken will have a new costume in the next anime cutscene.

Cutscene Camera
Whenever you see two people (EX: Ken and Dingo) during a cutscene (not the anime ones) you can move the camera with the Right Control Stick. To move the other camera, hit R2 . The Left Control Stick moves the camera.

Dingo picture at the end of Credits
Clear the game with a rank S or SS to view a picture of Dingo and Ken at the overall ranking results after the credits.

Gang Picture at the end of Credits
Clear the game with a Rank A to view a special picture which includes Dingo and his friends on the Result screen after the credits.

Mars Picture at the end of Credits
Clear the game with a Rank B or below


Zoradius Mini Game

Clear Image
To view a special picture after clearing Zoradius mini-game on the Ex-Missions option. Clear the mini-game with the score higher than 570000 marks.

Unlock Zoradius
Go to extra missions, go to boss battle mode, fight Vic Viper. Pause the game then press
UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight L1 R1. When pressed correctly, you will hear a chime. Go back to extra missions, now Vic Viper should be a option

Zoradius Power Up
When playing Zoradius, entering the classic ''get all powerups'' code still works at the pause screen. UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight L1 R1. For those unfamiliar with Gradius and this code, if you enter this while paused at any time while playing Zoradius, you'll get every powerup immediatly (Except for speedups)

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